This is often called limited joint mobility and in people with diabetes generally involves the small joints of the hands, although it can affect larger joints such as wrist, shoulder, knees, hips. It is usually painless but numbness and pain may be present if there is also neuropathy or angiopathy of the hand. Most people do not report the problem until there is some deformity or loss of movement of the fingers. The affected fingers are swollen with a thick, tight and waxy skin and there is an inability to press both hands together hence the term, diabetic prayer. Other disorders of the hand, such as carpel tunnel syndrome and Dupuytren's contracture, have different and distinct clinical features. Chiroarthropathy is linked with more serious microvascular complications of diabetes eg retinopathy, nephropathy and neuropathy, so diagnosis is important. The causes of chiroarthropathy are not really understood.
Treatment : because of the relationship with the microvascular complications of diabetes, improved diabetic control is advised but there is no well established treatment. Physiotherapy is important to maintain movement and prevent further deterioration. Surgery and corticosteriod injections may help in severe cases.
· 4-14% of the nondiabetic population
· 8.4- 55% of people with Type 1 diabetes
· 4.2 -77% of people with Type 2 diabetes
Prayer sign: inability to press the palms together without a gap between palms and fingers
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